Monday, April 7, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


STARBUCKS? Yes, of course there's
always time for a good cup of coffee.

And while you and I are having that hot cup
of Jo, why not also think about this?

Do we really want "A BETTER WORLD?"

Sometimes that's hard to imagine. With the
news focused on negativity, it's difficult to
get "STILL" enough.

For most of us, getting still requires a shift
in consciousness. That, in turn, leads to
creativity...which is the starting point for
cooperation and manifesting A BETTER 

The inspirational video, "Life is Like a Cup
of Coffee" might provide some insight--or

The comments about "the coffee" and "the
cup" prove HOW our differences (opinions)
can allow us TO SOAR WITH EAGLES --
or lower us into a state of separation and

Some will always view a half-filled cup as
"half-empty" while others, who choose to
give of themselves and live life to the fullest,
will view the very same cup as "half-full."

While it's true we may not all have coffee to
drink or sugar to sweeten it, we have choice
in every moment of our living.

We may not appreciate how The Law of
Gratitude works anymore than we understand
the laws that govern gravity or electricity, but
the truth remains true. The laws work --
regardless of what we think or believe.

These irrefutable laws are a recipe for
Success in Living. And "coffee" can be an
example for us to follow or a detour to

We SEE what we want to see, HEAR what
we want to hear -- and, in a single moment,
we choose humility and the generosity of
spirit or self-gratification.

In search of THE ANSWER, we strive to
prove our self worth by pretending to "know
it all." There's no truth or recognition of any-
thing greater, anything beyond ourselves
until we experience THE EARTHQUAKE
in our own BACKYARD.

It's time to WAKE UP and SMELL THE
COFFEE. Life is like a cup of coffee in a
cup that's always half-full. But that's only
because I choose to see it that way.

I choose HALF-FULL!


Join My Forum:

Look For My Success Quotes and Inspirational Messages In The Downline Partners Forum... Discover how I use this great marketing tool to build multiple brands and businesses at the same time. All members of the forum share the content equally which means you can use that content as your own and only your link will show up when you send traffic to any post. There is nothing else like this on the Internet.  There's a TV Internet Portal and Private Forum. It's a really cool place to build your online reputation, share ideas and meet quality people. This link goes directly to one of my Posts: "Why You Should Never Give Up" and is an example of how this forum works.  Best of all It's Free! Check it out. 

More About This Blogger:

Q: What must every business have to succeed in 2015..?
Answer: It's not what you think...take a peek!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Free Mobile Friendly Website...?

Q: What must every business have to succeed in 2015?

Answer: While it may not seem obvious at first, every business needs a Mobile Friendly Website.

To compete in the marketplace, every business needs a Mobile Friendly Website that converts potential buyers into long-term customers. Read more...

Marketing Expert Wants 


The new mobile world is driven by consumers who want "on the spot" access to information that's fast and relevant.

They want easy to click buttons with:

  • your phone number 
  • your location
  • simple directions 
  • an engaging offer

Google has recently updated their algorithms in favor of user friendly mobile websites as an indicator of just how important the shift in consumer behavior has become.

Having a mobile ready website is no longer optional. It's essential if you want to stay competitive and be ranked by top search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Yandex.

I help business owners succeed in the new mobile marketplace.

I'll show you how a mobile friendly website can drive a non-stop stream of targeted buyers to your business.

I'm offering you a FREE test drive because I think it's essential for you to see actual proof of results for yourself, first hand, up-close in real-time. 

I know test driving a Mobile Friendly Website is absolutely the best way for me to show you the only results that matter --Your Own.

"Your Own Results" will provide all the proof you could possibly want…more customers, repeat sales and increased profits. You won't have to rely on promises or someone else's opinion.

Simply "test drive" a mobile ready website with your own logo and custom designed user friendly buttons. You'll be amazed when you see how easy it is for new customers to find and connect with you.

Our User Friendly Websites stop online shoppers in their tracks -- getting their full attention -- and moving them to take a-c-t-i-o-n. And, the thing I like best of all is that they work 24 hours around the clock without coffee breaks, vacations or time off!

Remember, there is absolutely no risk or obligation. And, there's no way to lose…unless you decide not to take your free test drive! Of course, I sincerely hope you don't choose that option because frankly, this is one offer that really is too good to pass up!

I'm ready to show you what a User Friendly Mobile Ready Website can do for you.

You'll get a full 30 day test drive and a free mobile audit where I'll share some online marketing tips and techniques I've learned that can help you improve your business visibility while capturing valuable new and repeat customers/clients/leads.

Just to be clear, I'm offering you a one-page Mobile Friendly Website to use free for 30 days. After your test drive I'll ask if you would like to continue using your Mobile Friendly Website to build your business.

If you are totally satisfied, you'll receive a special one-time limited offer to lease or purchase your website for a very affordable and deeply discounted price. This offer will only be made available to business owners who take the test drive. There's absolutely no obligation of any kind. You either love it or you don't. 

If for any reason you are unhappy, I'll remove the link to your site, thank you for taking the test drive and we'll part as friends.  


Or Call: 1-866-663-2943 toll free now to get started.

"An Informed Business Owner Is Our Best Client"

Thursday, March 15, 2012


A Better World...the time for change is NOW.

"We are the World, We are the Children." 

~Michael Jackson

One man with a vision and the courage to be

heard is about to make a difference in the 
lives of children, innocent victims of a crazed
hungry psycho maniac.

The film you are about to watch is the most

viral video ever to appear on
It has been viewed by 100 million people so far
and counting; and for good reason. It speaks to
our hearts and it moves us.

Will it move you? 

Will you Pay It Forward? 

I truly hope you tell everyone you know 

and that they do the same. Let's all Pay 
It Forward.


Join My Forum:

Look For My Success Quotes and Inspirational Messages In The Downline Partners Forum... Discover how I use this great marketing tool to build multiple brands and businesses at the same time. All members of the forum share the content equally which means you can use that content as your own and only your link will show up when you send traffic to any post. There is nothing else like this on the Internet.  There's a TV Internet Portal and Private Forum. It's a really cool place to build your online reputation, share ideas and meet quality people. This link goes directly to one of my Posts: "Why You Should Never Give Up" and is an example of how this forum works.  Best of all It's Free! Check it out. 

More About This Blogger:

Q: What must every business have to succeed in 2015..?
Answer: It's not what you think...take a peek!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Pay It Forward 2009

Also visit: More Great News

A movie based on the best selling novel by Catherine
Ryan Hyde is one that tugs at our emotional heart strings.

Pay It forward is the idea of helping others, three at

a time, and suggesting they do the same. It’s a terrific idea
that seems to be gaining momentum. And that's great
news. It’s coming at a time when the world's in turmoil
and many people are insisting we need change.

I'm in total agreement. I'm ready for positive and
meaningful change. Let's all Pay it Forward in 2009!
After watching this movie, it's hard to imagine how anyone
could avoid feeling an overwhelming sense of joy.

Such unconditional acts of giving are contagious and essential

to our individual and collective well being. They arouse our
passion for living while creating a world that's Rich Beyond
Any Measure.

When we Pay it Forward we inspire others to join with us in
an authentic expression of gratitude. That expression is the
starting point for change and joyous living.

Without joy, our lives are often empty and meaningless. A

simple act of generosity or gratitude changes our entire
perspective, leaving everyone in a state of awe (especially
those who receive the gift and who can't believe the
outpouring of love).

Everyone benefits from such an exchange and the world begins
to change (in ways we can't begin to imagine). Such an experience
leaves all of us 
rich beyond any measure.

Paying it Forward has made a big difference in my life and is

beginning to make a real difference in the way many people view
the world.

However, like a wave, it takes time for the ripple to fully catch
on. Little by little, we are starting to see the effects of a world
awakening to this powerful idea.

The Pay It Forward movement is much more than a movie.
It's your movie and you are the producer and the star. It's your
creation and a model for how you "show up" in life.

It's an opportunity for you (and me) to really get excited about
the possibilities of creating a BETTER WORLD.

When I share my enthusiasm with three other people and arouse

their passion for doing the same, I've made a worthwhile
contribution. When I live and breathe it EVERY DAY, my life
takes on new meaning.

My life is instantly enriched and I experience something

no amount of money can buy.

I'm inspired and filled with the joy that comes from helping
someone else. The excitement of doing this with others creates
synergy as it expands the flow of positive energy returning
into my world.

What a feeling.

It’s an idea whose time has come

It’s easy and anyone can do it—even those who suffer hardships

and appear more challenged than the rest of us. Think you've
got problems? We all do, but I wonder how many of us are truly
aware of just how fortunate we are.

I think this is particularly true in our educational system where
children are taught the fundamental value of such behavior.

Want a dose of inspiration? It's a story of someone who
has far less than most of us yet lives his life in a way that
inspires all who meet him!

Check this out!

This short clip moved me to tears.

You'll "know"exactly what I mean when you see it for yourself.

Just look at the faces on these kids. It's POWERFUL STUFF!
Just what the doctor ordered!

It's a message all of our kids need need to hear and see!

In a world crying out for change, more and more people are

recognizing the long term benefits of getting on board with
a proven idea that works and pays long term dividends.

A Real Economic Stimulus Plan

From ordinary people to the rich and famous, this movement is
getting a boost as it becomes part of the culture of popular shows
like Oprah, American Idol and Extreme Home Makeover. Even
retailers like Target are setting an example by donating millions
of dollars to advance the idea of Paying It Forward. Lets all
get on board in 2009.

Lets all add our individual acts of kindness as we strive to
create A Better World.

Can you imagine what would happen if more companies got

behind this movement? Wow! That's the kind of economic
stimulus plan I'd like to see. 

Instead of executive compensation plans, banks ought to

consider doing something like this. The result might be a
bonus far greater than the hundreds of millions they kept for
themselves...and they might have something else to put in the

Something that builds lasting value.

Something far more valuable than a stash

of paper in a vault.

All Of Us Have One Thing In Common

Well, changes are a coming. The world is crying to

be heard. We must begin recognizing that we are all
one people and it's one world that we all share.Sooner 
or later, we'll all have to wake up to that reality. We all 
have different ideas and opinions. But I think that's 
perfectly okay. How boring would it be if we were all
the same...don't you think?

That's life and we must learn to respect each other
while celebrating our differences.

We've got to put an
end to the madness, the wars
and hostility. We've got to find "common ground"
and create a new wave of understanding or we will

The swine flu pandemic is just one example of
"why" we must come together. It's time for
cooperation above competition.

With a new President in office, I think we're about to see

more of this kind of change. A charismatic leader with
the ability to inspire others will, no doubt, accelerate this

I'm ready for it and I think others are too. And
that's what it's going to take...a united effort that
puts the spotlight on solutions...instead of business
as usual.

Pay It Forward is aligned with the larger universal Law

of Attraction. As people begin to see how small changes can
impact everyone around them, they will instinctively want to do

The resulting joy arising from this
simple act of giving can unify a family,
a community, a nation and the world.

When we concentrate our efforts on something positive and

rewarding, we bring about long term benefits that are difficult,
if not impossible, to quantify.

What starts with a simple thought is magnified and expanded.

Raw enthusiasm spills into other areas of life--and the result?

While it's value is impossible to calculate the effects are tangible

to see and feel; but more importantly, enough to create a lasting
and worthwhile legacy for our children.

Isn't that the kind of world we all want to live in?

I hope so!

Thanks for taking valuable time from your day
to read my blog.

Jerry Koch writes articles about gratitude, life, making

money, success in business, the Law of Attraction, Paying
It Forward, our rapidly changing
world, "what each of us can
to make it better, and a variety of other topics.

As a veteran marketer with more than 35 years of

entrepreneurial experience, he is committed to helping others
achieve new levels of success while living a passion filled life.

P.S. Start a Pay It Forward project today. Give others a small

sample of "who" you really are. Shower them with acts of
kindness and gratitude. You'll be amazed at what comes back
to you and you'll discover that life really is Rich Beyond Any


Join My Forum:

Look For My Success Quotes and Inspirational Messages In The Downline Partners Forum... Discover how I use this great marketing tool to build multiple brands and businesses at the same time. All members of the forum share the content equally which means you can use that content as your own and only your link will show up when you send traffic to any post. There is nothing else like this on the Internet.  There's a TV Internet Portal and Private Forum. It's a really cool place to build your online reputation, share ideas and meet quality people. This link goes directly to one of my Posts: "Why You Should Never Give Up" and is an example of how this forum works.  Best of all It's Free! Check it out. 

More About This Blogger:

Q: What must every business have to succeed in 2015..?
Answer: It's not what you think...take a peek!