Wednesday, March 5, 2014


STARBUCKS? Yes, of course there's
always time for a good cup of coffee.

And while you and I are having that hot cup
of Jo, why not also think about this?

Do we really want "A BETTER WORLD?"

Sometimes that's hard to imagine. With the
news focused on negativity, it's difficult to
get "STILL" enough.

For most of us, getting still requires a shift
in consciousness. That, in turn, leads to
creativity...which is the starting point for
cooperation and manifesting A BETTER 

The inspirational video, "Life is Like a Cup
of Coffee" might provide some insight--or

The comments about "the coffee" and "the
cup" prove HOW our differences (opinions)
can allow us TO SOAR WITH EAGLES --
or lower us into a state of separation and

Some will always view a half-filled cup as
"half-empty" while others, who choose to
give of themselves and live life to the fullest,
will view the very same cup as "half-full."

While it's true we may not all have coffee to
drink or sugar to sweeten it, we have choice
in every moment of our living.

We may not appreciate how The Law of
Gratitude works anymore than we understand
the laws that govern gravity or electricity, but
the truth remains true. The laws work --
regardless of what we think or believe.

These irrefutable laws are a recipe for
Success in Living. And "coffee" can be an
example for us to follow or a detour to

We SEE what we want to see, HEAR what
we want to hear -- and, in a single moment,
we choose humility and the generosity of
spirit or self-gratification.

In search of THE ANSWER, we strive to
prove our self worth by pretending to "know
it all." There's no truth or recognition of any-
thing greater, anything beyond ourselves
until we experience THE EARTHQUAKE
in our own BACKYARD.

It's time to WAKE UP and SMELL THE
COFFEE. Life is like a cup of coffee in a
cup that's always half-full. But that's only
because I choose to see it that way.

I choose HALF-FULL!


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